Teneriffe Progress Association
February 2018 Meeting Agenda
Meeting on Wednesday 21 February 2018 commencing at 7:00pm, at the Shed, 29 Macquarie Street (opposite Hastings Street), Teneriffe
- Item 1. Welcome and apologies for absences
- Item 2. Minutes of November 2017 meeting and Matters Arising
- Item 3. Memberships and subscriptions
- Item 4. Correspondence and Media
- Item 5. Updates on outstanding issues: Trees in Vernon Terrace
Riverwalk works - Item 6. Proposed and current Developments
- Item 7. TPA initiatives and projects: Teneriffe Trails
- Item 8. TPA initiatives and projects: Per cent for Public Realm.
- Item 9. TPA initiatives and projects: Audit of publicly accessible spaces
- Item 10. Any other business
- Item 11. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday 21 March 2018