September 2017 Meeting Agenda
Meeting on Wednesday 20 September 2017 commencing at 7:00pm, at the Shed, 29 Macquarie
Street (opposite Hastings Street), Teneriffe
Item 1. Welcome and apologies for absences
Item 2. Minutes of July and August 2017 meetings and Matters Arising
Item 3. Memberships and subscriptions
Item 4. Correspondence and Media
Item 5. Updates on outstanding issues:
- Trees in Vernon Terrace
- Traffic Study by BCC
- Riverwalk works
Item 6. Proposed and current Developments
Item 7. Potential TPA initiatives and projects: Teneriffe Trails
Item 8. Potential TPA initiatives and projects: Per cent for Public Realm
Item 9. Potential TPA initiatives and projects: Audit of publicly accessible spaces
Item 10. Any other business
Item 11. Next Meeting Date: Wed 18 October 2017 (Also 2017 AGM)